Greens of McKinney Homes - McKinney
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McKinney Home Searches
Selling or buying a home in Greens of McKinney soon? Call VIP Realty at 214-295-4888. Our community of Greens of McKinney REALTORS® team will help you navigate the McKinney housing market near Dallas, TX.
Greens of McKinney Homes for Sale
The homes for sale at Greens of McKinney is a neighborhood in McKinney, Texas. If you are looking for homes that come in ranch or traditional designs, as well as traditional single family homes style, this is a place to be. The construction within this neighborhood started around 2006, continuing their development until 2014. There are a lot of options on homes to take into consideration, and they offer different sizes, ideal for families of different backgrounds.
Greens of McKinney Real Estate Listings
The homes that are available for sale in Greens of McKinney are available with 3 to 5 bedrooms, as well as 2 to 4 bedrooms, depending on the house of choice. The vicinity of the neighborhood comes with numerous amenities that are accessible to the residents. Among these amenities are shopping and entertainment centers, ideal for residents to enjoy.
In close proximity are three schools. Among these educational institutions are the Faubion Middle School, McKinney High School, as well as the Albert & Lola Lee Davis Malvern Elementary School. This means the opportunity for households with students to choose where to send their children to school, without worrying of going farther from their neighborhood.
Greens of McKinney Home Values
The neighborhood of Greens of McKinney offers a wide variety of home designs, as well as prices that can match a range of price options. Among the most common types are single-family homes, with current prices ranging from $300,000 to $349,999. There are also other fees to be expected, including an association fee that ranges from $0 to $400, $165 to $600, as well as $139 to $198. The property taxes for the year also range from $5,020 to $9,193 depending on the type of property that you own, and a number of other factors.
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