It is a myth that a buyer would get a better deal if they choose to buy a new home without a Realtor. Having a buyer’s agent doesn’t cost you anything.
Here is why:
1. The cost of the sale to the builder accounts for an agent’s commission. Having an agent might save you thousands of dollars! Why not take advantage of this service and have representation?
2. The builder’s representative works for the builder. Having your own Realtor representing you will provide someone looking out for your best interest.
3. Your agent will equip you with market information and ways to get the price down. Your agent can also help you see what fees are associated with the builder’s “incentives”.
4. Your agent can help you research the builder to make sure they are financially sound and not at the edge of bankruptcy.
5. Your agent will help you review the builder’s contract, which is different from the Texas Real Estate Commission’s contract.
6. Your agent will walk you through the process and help make it smooth and predictable.
7. Builders want to keep Realtors happy to protect their reputation so they will go out of their way to make sure things are done properly and efficiently.
REMEMBER: your agent must be with you when you walk in the builder’s door or they will consider you fair game. If you are ready to get started looking call VIP Realty today! Now more than ever an experienced buyer’s agent on your side is critical to protect your best interests. We look forward to helping you!