About Comanche Prairie
Acres: 5.44
Property Id: 19862
Legal Description: Tract N-362, being that property contained in Section (Survey) 18, Block NC, T&STL RR Co., Original Grantee and being more properly described in Book 193, Page 554, Doc. #73843 of the Deed Records of Brewster County, Texas being 5 acres more or less.
Roads: Dirt Road Maintained by POATRI
Utilities: Off-Grid This is off-grid land. There are no city utilities here.
Mineral Classified Land: according to the Texas General Land office map, this property is a mineral classified land which means that the State of Texas owns the mineral rights and splits them 50-50 with the current surface owner.
Property Tax: $84.92 yr HOA-POA: POATRI dues $210.26 per year